Tidigare vice ordförande för Drug Free America stöder Medicinsk Marijuana

David E. Krahl har alltså varit vice ordförande för Drug Free America men bytt sida och arbetar nu politisk för legalisering av medicinsk marijuana.

“I’m saying, ‘Here I am, an individual who had one point of view, and now I have a different one,”


“There was a point in my professional career as Deputy Director of the Drug Free America Foundation when I supported the prohibition of marijuana as medicine. But then, I experienced a change of heart, if you will; a moment of clarity, an epiphany. After seriously investigating the issue, and getting beyond the rhetorical arguments of both sides, I began to realize that the prohibitionist viewpoint against the use of marijuana as medicine largely ignored three things, which are so embedded in the fabric of American society and reflective of our cultural values that their truth is almost self-evident.”

David E. Krahl

Former Drug Free America Director Endorses Medical Marijuana
Former anti-marijuana lobbyist switches sides

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