Cannabis in Sweden

In the world of drug policy Sweden is known as a hard liner country where the war on drugs is very much alive. Here harm reduction is regarded by many as going soft or giving up. Being an addict is highly stigmatized and this is part of the grand plan of a society free from narcotics.
Yes the actual fundamental goal undertaken by our politicians is this utopian Sweden where illegal drugs magically disappear. No kidding but this header is in our national Alcohol Narcotics Tobacco and Doping strategy (ANTD) which lays out the principles of our drug policy.

It got this mad because of many reasons but the main one is what a man called Nils Bejerot did in the seventies and eighties. He was a medical doctor working for the police who took upon himself to stop what he regarded as the illegal drug pest. That is you stop drug problems by stopping users. His thoughts spread and somewhat of a cult grew around him which resulted in the very powerful lobby organisation Riksförbundet Narkotikafritt Samhälle.

There are many organisations in Sweden whit similar ideas and many get financial support from government agency’s to grow the myth about our zero tolerance for illegal drugs.


0.7% of all Swedes have used cannabis within the last 30 days.

2.4% of all Swedes have used cannabis within the last 12 months.

12.4% of all Swedes have used cannabis at least once in their life.

Carl von Linne

In 1753 the famous Swedish botanist Carl von Linné categorized European hemp with it’s Latin name Cannabis sativa L. (L. stands for Linnaeus).


We call the stuff hasch (hashish) and cannabis by its name or green, some say grass. Only drug warriors, older generations and people from Gothenburg says marijuana. But everyone knows what it is.

1 thought on “Cannabis in Sweden”

  1. Martain Keillor

    I have no doubts that it is illegal in favor of governments who don’t earn money on it beeing a natural plant that creation made for 1000 of different purposes.
    It is just pathetic that governments who is employed by the people has even a right to ban and make it a criminal act to handle it.
    It is shown and sciences prove the benefits more and more it is tolerated and approved and ofcause governments then make money and that is the most important for governments.
    Take away the crime around the natural breed of the cannabis then it will be much less “people” making money and that will cut the crime.
    It is an obviously thing coming in the future were much more new dangerous drugs will appear that will generate more money and crime.
    Legalization will cause millions of people Not to turn to other drugs.
    Cannabis is a natural medicine and Not a drug in itself.
    Controlling corrupted governments make it an illegal drug and causes the massive crimwaves around it.

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